胡莉娅・埃斯库德罗Julia Escudero
埃斯库德罗家族的第五代传人,在西班牙最负盛名的马德里理工大学学习农艺工程。之后,在法国最好的葡萄酒商学院--勃艮第商学院学习葡萄酒商务。毕业后选择前往葡萄牙,在著名的杜罗大学(Trás-os-MonteseAlto Douro)攻读葡萄栽培专业的农业工程硕士学位。完成学业,她来到法国,在研究葡萄栽培方向世界一流的蒙彼利埃攻读法国国家酿酒师文凭。在法国期间,她首次酿酒是在波尔多,之后在法国南部著名的罗斯柴尔德家族酒庄( Domaine de Baronarques) 担任酿酒师。 在法国和葡萄牙积累了丰富的经验后,她于 2023 年回到埃斯库德罗酒庄担任酿酒师。
Julia Escudero is the fifth generation of the Escudero family. From a very young age her life has been linked to the world of wine, learning from their ancestors the art of winegrowing and wine making. Julia, on her side went to Portugal, to study a master's degree in agricultural engineering specialized in viticulture in the prestigious university of Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. After this experience, she moved to France, where she studied the DNO (Diplome National d ́Oenologie) in Montpellier, world class in viticulture. While living in France, she worked for one of the most famous families in the wine business as winemaker, the Rotchschild family. She had a first experience in Bordeaux and after she worked as winemaker for Domaine de Baronarques, the famous winery of The Rothschild family in the south of France. After all those experiences in France and Portugal, she came back to Bodegas Escudero, to work as winemaker since 2023.
胡安・埃斯库德罗Juan Escudero
埃斯库德罗家族的第五代传人,从小跟随父辈——西班牙最有经验的酿酒师之一阿马多尔-埃斯库德罗(Amador Escudero)一起学习酿酒艺术,并在西班牙和法国进行葡萄酒专业深造,拿到法国国家酿酒师文凭。2019 年和 2020 年在白马酒庄(世界最著名的酒庄) 之一担任助理酿酒师,之后担任唐培里侬(Dom Pérignon)和汝纳特的酿酒师(Ruinart)。在法国工作 4 年后,他回到西班牙,在LVMH 集团的尤玛西雅酒庄( Bodega Numanthia)担任酿酒师。积累了如此丰富的经历后,他与家人一起搬回里奥哈,在埃斯库德罗酒庄工作。
Juan Escudero is the fifth generation of the Escudero family. From a very young age his life has been linked to the world of wine, learning from their ancestors the art of winegrowing and winemaking. He studied the DNO (Diplome National d ́Oenologie) in Bordeaux, one of the most prestigious school of winemaking in the world. While he was studying he had the chance to work as assistant winemaker in Château Cheval Blanc, one of the most famous wines in the world, during 2019 and 2020. After he decided to move into Champagne region, to learn more about sparkling wine elaboration, there he worked as winemaker for Dom Pérignon and Ruinart. After 4 years in France, he moved to Spain to work as winemaker for Bodega Numanthia (LVMH group), one of the most recognised wineries in Spain. After all those experiences he moved back to Rioja, to work in Bodegas Escudero together with his family.